
OSN as tool in green process development

In the development of new green processes for the future new reactions must be partnered with effective separation operation to gain effectiveness and simplicity. The economics are important for the future application and the actual benefit.

In this talk examples will be shown how and where OSN was used in continuous operated miniplants. In these setups new reactions aim to convert greenhouse gases into valuable fuels, commodities, and chemicals, contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions and the utilization of renewable resources.

One example is the recycling of molecular catalysts via OSN to enhance catalyst stability. In this study various ligands were used to optimize the separation. Furthermore, an operando spectroscopy study was performed to understand catalyst species and their deactivation. (1,2)

In a further example a hybrid separation in continuous operation was shown. The combination of extraction and OSN can reduce metal content in the product mixture and stabilize the overall process scheme. (3,4)

This talk shows the potential of OSN as single and hybrid separation to perform very efficiently molecular catalysed reaction over accumulated more than 1000h on stream.


(1)    J. M. Dreimann, E. Kohls, H. F. W. Warmeling, M. Stein, L. F. Guo, M. Garland, T. N. Dinh, A. J. Vorholt, ACS Catalysis, 2019, 9, 5, 4308-4319

(2)    J. M. Dreimann, M. Skiborowski, A. Behr, A. J. Vorholt, ChemCatChem,2016, 8, 21, 3330-3333

(3)    J. M. Dreimann, H. Warmeling, J. N. Weimann, K. Künnemann, A. Behr, A. J. Vorholt, AIChE J., 2016, 62, 12, 4377–4383

(4)    J. M. Dreimann, F. Hoffmann, M. Skiborowski, A. Behr, and A. J. Vorholt, Ind. Eng. Chem Res., 2017, 56 (5), 1354–1359


Andreas J Vorholt

Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion